01. Explain the meaning and definition of Statistics. MEANING: “Statistics” has been derived from the Latin word ‘Status’ that means a group of numbers or figures; those represent some information of our human interest. Although, in the beginning it was used by Kings only for collecting information about states and other information which was needed about their people, their number, revenue of the state etc. This was known as the science of the state because it was used only by the Kings. So it got its development as ‘Kings’ subject or ‘Science of Kings’ or we may call it as “Political Arithmetic’s”. It was for the first time, perhaps in Egypt to conduct census of population in 3050 B.C. because the king needed money to erect pyramids. But in India, it is thought, that, it started dating back to Chandra Gupta Maurya’s kingdom under Chankya to collect the data of births and deaths. It has also been stated in Chankya’s Arthshastra. But now-a-days due to its nature...
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